Write and Draw Onomatopoeia (2)
Write onomatopoeia to match the given nouns. Draw pictures to match!
Narrative Features Examples Match
Match up the narrative elements and language features to the examples provided.
-ck Word Wheel (3)
A word wheel. Spin and make -ck words. Print on card or laminate for best results.
cl- fl- Words Study
This worksheet focuses on similar sounding letters/blends. Fill in the missing blends.
Working with Antonyms
Practice identifying, writing and using antonyms.
Building CVC Words
Join letters to build words. Write and then draw!
Blend & Digraph Build a Word 3
Draw lines to match the correct blend to the word endings. Write and draw.
Identifying Personification
This worksheet helps introduce personification. Students must identify the object that is being personified and the human action or trait it has been given.
-ub Word Family Sheet
This worksheet focuses on the -ub word family. Find, write and make CVC words.