Reading Strategy Poster Set
Middle and upper years reading strategy posters: creating images, inferring, summarising, connections, prior knowledge & questioning.
Flip Book: Nouns
Cut and staple to create a flip book all about nouns. Cut and paste to sort the pictures to their correct headings: ‘people’, ‘places’, ‘animals’, ‘things’.
‘oi’ ‘oy’ Word Sort
Sort the words under the focus headings (oi words, oy words).
A Better Way to Say…
A reference list of words to use instead of common adjectives such as ‘little’, ‘big’, ‘good’, ‘bad’ and more!
Hyperbole Match
Choose from a word list to complete the hyperboles.
br- Focus Blends Puzzle
Join the blends to the correct word endings.
Writing CVC Words: Short e
Write the CVC words from the list under the matching pictures.
Word Wheel: -oop Words
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
Five Senses to Build Tension: Boat
Write a paragraph to describe a crew on board a small fishing boat during a violent storm.
‘Gold Fever’ Comprehension
A level 6 reading passage and comprehension set.
st- Focus Blends Puzzle
Join the blends to the correct word endings.
CVC Build a Word 4
Spell words to match the pictures by joining up the letters.