
Writing Evaluative Words

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An activity where students generate lists of evaluative language to express judgments about various images. Designed for middle and upper years students.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the concept of evaluative language and its role in expressing opinions.
  • Generate and use appropriate evaluative words to assess different subjects (e.g., objects, events).
  • Strengthen writing and speaking skills by incorporating evaluative language in context.

How the Activity Works:

Students are given a set of images (e.g., a cupcake, phone, bike, and rain). For each image, they must create a list of evaluative words that could be used to express a judgment. These might include words such as "delicious" for a cupcake, "innovative" for a phone, "sturdy" for a bike, or "refreshing" for rain. This activity encourages students to think critically about how to assess and describe different items or experiences with a range of positive or negative language.

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