Which Part of Speech is Missing?
Read sentences with missing words. Which part of speech is missing?
Blend Focus cl-
This worksheet focuses on the blend ‘cl’. Find, match and make cl- words.
ch- sh- th- Digraphs Puzzle
This puzzle focuses on similar sounding letters/digraphs. Cut and paste to join the digraphs to the word endings.
Identifying Persuasive Language in Adverts (2)
Work out which persuasive language devices have been used in the advertisement.
Summarising Text: Sports
Read the passage about sports and work out the main idea.
sh- Words Word Search
Find the sh- words in the letter jumble.
Verb Poster
A poster explaining verbs.
Animal Shelter Advert: Persuasive Devices
Analyse the ad for the animal shelter. What persuasive devices have been used?
Writing in Passive Voice: Past Simple
Rewrite the past simple sentences in passive voice.
Long e Worksheet
This worksheet focuses on long e words. Find, spell and draw.