tr- Words Word Search
Find the tr- words in the letter jumble.
Poetic Language Devices Display
A list of 9 poetic language devices and an example of each.
Cut & Paste: Letter V
Cut and paste to match the words to the correct pictures.
Poem Worksheet: ‘The Red Beast’
Identify poetic language devices in the poem ‘The Red Beast’.
Initial Sound Picture Find: Letter G
Find and colour the pictures that start with the letter G.
ch- sh- th- Digraphs Puzzle
This puzzle focuses on similar sounding letters/digraphs. Cut and paste to join the digraphs to the word endings.
Contractions (is & not) Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on contractions using the words ‘is’ and ‘not’.
Describe a Pirate Writing Task
Use words from the word bank to write a descriptive paragraph about a pirate.
Make CVC Words with Initial Sounds 1
Listen for the beginning sound in different words to help spell a CVC word.
Tension Building Techniques
An overview of 6 tension building techniques.
Plan for Persuasive Language
A planning sheet to help students plan to use persuasive devices in their writing.
Short u Word Search
Find the CVC words in the letter jumble.