Short e: ‘e’ and ‘ea’ Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on words with the short /e/ sound, spelt ‘e’ or ‘ea’.
Blend & Digraph Build a Word 2
Draw lines to match the correct blend to the word endings. Write and draw.
Word Wheel: -orn Words
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
‘Deserts’ Grammar & Comprehension
A level 2 reading passage, comprehension and grammar set.
Persuade: Burgers or Pizza? (1)
Write to persuade others whether burgers or pizza is better (early years).
Writing Dependent Clauses: Complex Sentences (3)
Create complex sentences by adding a dependent clause to each independent clause.
R controlled Vowels Poster Set
A set of posters showing 'ar', 'er', 'ir', 'or' and 'ur' words.
Singular Possessive Nouns: Rewrite
This worksheet supports the teaching of singular possessive nouns. Rewrite each sentence using a possessive noun.
CVC Puzzle Tiles: ‘og’ ‘op’ ‘ot’
Match the tiles with the same rime pattern. Self-check with the centre pictures. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Sorting by Syllables: Food
Sort the words according to the number of syllables.
Letter Cut & Paste: Short e
Cut and paste individual letters to spell CVC words.
Make CVC Words with Initial Sounds 4
Listen for the beginning sound in different words to help spell a CVC word.