Ivory: Cause & Effect
Read the passage about ivory. Show the cause and effect relationships in the table.
Cut & Paste: Letter P
Cut and paste to match the words to the correct pictures.
Choose the Correct Homophones (3)
Choose the correct homophones from the given pairs to complete the sentences.
Inference Question Set 4
Read each passage. Answer the question. Underline the clues that lead to the answer.
Inference Question Set 3
Read each passage. Answer the question. Underline the clues that lead to the answer.
Using a Range of Persuasive Devices (2)
This worksheet explains 10 persuasive language devices. Learners choose persuasive devices to write persuasive sentences.
Short u Words Cut and Paste
Cut and paste to match the CVC words to the correct pictures.
Narrative Structure Poster Set
A set of posters explaining the narrative elements: ‘introduction’, ‘problem’ and ‘solution’.
Synonyms Puzzle (1)
Match the synonyms to complete the puzzle (early and middle years).
bl- Focus Blends Puzzle
Join the blends to the correct word endings.
br- cr- gr- Blends Puzzle
This puzzle focuses on similar sounding letters/blends. Cut and paste to join the blends to the word endings.