Cut & Paste: Letter J
Cut and paste to match the words to the correct pictures.
Using a Range of Persuasive Devices (1)
This worksheet explains 10 persuasive language devices. Learners choose persuasive devices to write persuasive sentences.
5 Senses ‘I Can…’ Poem: At the Beach
A five senses poem titled ‘At the Beach’. Follows an ‘I can…’ structure.
Initial Sound Picture Find: Letter O
Find and colour the pictures that start with the letter O.
Identifying Persuasive Language in Adverts (2)
Work out which persuasive language devices have been used in the advertisement.
Applesauce: Write a Recipe
Cut and paste the pictures in the correct order and then write the steps to make applesauce.
Learning Synonyms
A worksheet to help introduce synonyms.
sw- Activity Booklet
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about sw- words.
Tension Building Brainstorm
Brainstorm examples of how you could use each technique in your own writing.
Circle the Blends br- cr- dr-
Circle the blends that match the pictures.
CVC Build a Word: Short o/Short e
Spell words to match the pictures by joining up the letters.