Sentence Type Fairy Tale Sort (With Punctuation)
Sort the sentences by their type (statements, questions, commands and exclamations). Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Bossy e Worksheet 1
This worksheet focuses on bossy e words. Find, spell and draw.
Tension Building Match Up
Identify different tension building technique examples.
Matching Independent Clauses (2)
Join matching simple sentences. Rewrite each simple sentence pair as a compound sentence using a conjunction.
Page Summary Graphic Organiser
A summarising organiser that guides learners to summarise each page in a text.
Classify Figurative Language (2)
Read each sentence and work out whether it is a simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, personification or alliteration.
pl- pr- Blends Puzzle
This puzzle focuses on similar sounding letters/blends. Cut and paste to join the blends to the word endings.
wh- Reading Booklet
A booklet to trace and read.
The Skatepark: Fact & Opinion
Read a short passage and identify the facts and the opinions.
Show, Don’t Tell Sort (1)
Is the author ‘showing’ or ‘telling’? Sort each under the correct heading.
Sentence Writing Prompts Set (1)
Early years sentence writing prompts. Includes 36 writing cards.
Information Report Structure Jumble
This activity helps consolidate understanding of the structure of information reports. Organise the jumbled paragraphs into the correct order.