Cut & Paste: Letter Z
Cut and paste to match the words to the correct pictures.
Self-Questioning Chart
A self-questioning template to support learners developing questions to ask themselves about texts they read.
Narrative Planning Template (1)
A template to help learners plan to write a narrative.
Levels of Questioning Chart
Ask questions before, during and after reading to develop comprehension skills. This download is a guide to Marion Blank’s levels of questioning.
CVC Mix Up: Vowel Mix 2
CVC words are mixed up. Cut and paste to put them back in order.
Procedure Writing Template Set
A set of planning template to help students organise their ideas and write a procedure.
Industrial Revolution Editing Passage
Edit a passage about the Industrial Revolution. Use the checklist to help find the missing full stops, capitals, commas and spelling mistakes.
gl- pl- sl- Blend Build a Word
This worksheet focuses on similar sounding letters/blends. Line up the correct blend to the word ending.
-ug Activity Booklet
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about -ug words.
Poetic Language Devices Worksheet
Read about 9 poetic language devices and then write an example of each.