Visualise a Scene: Leaves
Read a middle years passage and build a visual image to match. Draw it!
List of Words by Syllable Count
A list of words grouped by their syllable count for reference or display.
Beach Trip: Cause & Effect Match
Read a short passage about a trip to the beach. Cut and paste to show the cause and effect relationships.
CVC Word Rhyme Sheet: Short e
The words in each set rhyme. Write them in.
-ad Word Family Sheet
This worksheet focuses on the -ad word family. Find, write and make CVC words.
Synonyms Hexagon Puzzle (Harder)
Match the antonyms to complete the puzzle. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
‘Meg’s Room’ Grammar & Comprehension
A level 4 reading passage, comprehension and grammar set.
Phone Advert: Persuasive Devices
Analyse the ad for a phone. What persuasive devices have been used?
-am Activity Booklet
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about -am words.
wh- Cut and Paste
Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
Industrial Revolution Editing Passage
Edit a passage about the Industrial Revolution. Use the checklist to help find the missing full stops, capitals, commas and spelling mistakes.
5 Senses Poem: ‘At the Beach’
A five senses poem titled ‘At the Beach’.