Pitcher Plant: Cause & Effect
Read the passage about pitcher plants. Show the cause and effect relationships in the table.
Antonyms Hexagon Puzzle (Yr 4,5)
Match the antonyms to complete the puzzle. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Homophones & Homographs Word Search
A fun way to reinforce the concept of homophones and homographs. Find the given words in the letter jumble.
pl- Activity Booklet
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about pl words.
Cut & Paste: Letter Y
Cut and paste to match the words to the correct pictures.
-ck Reading Booklet
A booklet to trace and read.
Add Onomatopoeia to Sentences (1)
Rewrite sentences using onomatopoeia to make them more expressive.
Silent Letters (2) Word Sort
Sort the words under the focus headings (gn, kn, wr).
-at Reading Booklet
A booklet to trace and read.
Alphabet Worksheet: Letter F
This worksheet focuses on the letter F. Trace, write, find words and draw.