Activity Booklet: ea Words
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about ea words.
gl- Reading Booklet
A booklet to trace and read.
Drawing Onomatopoeia
A fun creative activity where students illustrate 4 onomatopoeic words.
Figurative Language Board Game
A board game to help reinforce figurative language. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Poetry Writing Prompt Cards
A set of 20 poetry writing prompt cards.
-ad Word Family Sheet
This worksheet focuses on the -ad word family. Find, write and make CVC words.
Noun, Verbs & Adjectives Sort
Sort the list of words under the headings: ‘nouns’, ‘verbs’, ‘adjectives’.
Simple, Compound or Complex? (1)
Identify simple, compound and complex sentences.
Antonyms Puzzle (2)
Match the antonyms to complete the puzzle (middle and upper years).
-im Reading Booklet
A booklet to trace and read.
Cause & Effect: Text Connectives
Complete the sentences using the given cause and effect text connectives.
Narrative Prompt Poster Set
A set of posters to provide students with prompts for their narrative writing. Includes prompts for characters, settings, problems and solutions.