Writing Direct Speech (2)
Fill in the speech bubble to match each picture and then write a sentence containing direct speech to match.
Visualise a Scene: Book Shop
Read an upper years passage and build a visual image to match. Draw it!
Comparing Lions & Tigers (Early)
An early years reading passage about lions and tigers. Compare using a Venn diagram.
Activity Booklet: u_e Words
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about 'u_e' words.
Short u Word Search
Find the CVC words in the letter jumble.
5 Senses Poem: ‘At the Beach’
A five senses poem titled ‘At the Beach’.
Digraph Focus wh-
This worksheet focuses on the blend ‘wh’. Find, match and make wh- words.
Rhyming Couplets: Animals (2)
Use the word bank to write rhyming couplets about animals (middle and upper years).
Cut & Paste: Letter J
Cut and paste to match the words to the correct pictures.
Show, Don’t Tell Sort (2)
Is the author ‘showing’ or ‘telling’? Sort each under the correct heading.
Book Report Planning Template
A planning template to help organise a book report.