Sizzling Starts Poster Set

A set of 7 posters that showcase different ways to begin a story with a "sizzling start." These posters provide a visual reference for students learning to craft engaging and attention-grabbing openings. Designed for middle and upper years students.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the importance of an engaging opening in storytelling.
- Learn various techniques to start a story, such as starting with action, curiosity, dialogue and more.
- Apply these techniques to create compelling story beginnings.
How the Activity Works:
This set of posters introduces seven different strategies for creating sizzling starts, with an example for each. Students can use these posters as a reference when planning their own story openings. Displaying the posters in the classroom serves as a reminder of the different ways to captivate the reader from the very first sentence, helping students enhance their storytelling skills.
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