Human Life Cycle: Blank
Explain the stages of the life cycle of a human.
Plant Life Cycle: Build
Cut and paste the pieces to build the life cycle of a fruiting plant.
Plant Life Cycle: Cut & Paste
Cut and paste the pictures and the names of the stages to complete the life cycle of a fruiting plant.
Living & Non-Living Reading
A reading sheet all about living and non-living things.
Rainforest Word Jumble
Unjumble the words related to rainforests to crack the secret code!
Design a Grassland Animal Challenge
Read the information about grasslands and design an animal that would suit grassland conditions.
Solar System Word Jumble
Unjumble the objects in the solar system and then crack the code!
Picture Search: Living & Non-Living
Study the image and make a list of living and non-living things.
Animal & Habitat Match (Colour)
Cut and paste to match each animal to its habitat.
Living & Non-Living Cloze
A cloze worksheet all about living and non-living things. Fill in the missing words to complete the text.
Weathering, Erosion & Deposition Cloze
A cloze worksheet about the processes of weathering, erosion and deposition. Fill in the missing words to complete the text.