Rhyming Couplets: Nature (2)
Use the word bank to write rhyming couplets about nature (middle and upper years)
-ug Word Search
Find the CVC words in the letter jumble.
Editing Sentences: Full Punctuation (1)
Edit each sentence for missing full stops, capitals, commas, apostrophes, speech marks and spelling mistakes. Rewrite each sentence correctly.
Contractions Cut & Paste (2)
Cut and paste to match each word pair to the correct contraction.
fr- gr- pr- Cut and Paste
This worksheet focuses on similar sounding letters/blends. Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
pr- Cut and Paste
Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
Leo the Lion: Cause & Effect
Read a short passage about Leo the Lion. Identify the cause and effect relationships.
Flip Book: Adjectives
Cut and staple to create a flip book all about adjectives. Cut and paste to match each picture to the correct box.
tr- Words Word Search
Find the tr- words in the letter jumble.
Large CVC Puzzle Strips: ‘Short i’
Put jumbled CVC words back together. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Flip Book: Nouns
Cut and staple to create a flip book all about nouns. Cut and paste to sort the pictures to their correct headings: ‘people’, ‘places’, ‘animals’, ‘things’.
Subject & Predicate Colour Code (1)
Underline the subject red and the predicate green in each sentence.