‘Sea Turtles’ Grammar & Comprehension
A level 4 reading passage, comprehension and grammar set.
Narrative Planning Template (1)
A template to help learners plan to write a narrative.
‘Meg’s Room’ Grammar & Comprehension
A level 4 reading passage, comprehension and grammar set.
Threats to Turtles: Cause & Effect (1)
A middle years reading passage about threats to sea turtles. Show the cause and effect relationships in the table.
Cut & Paste: Letter Q
Cut and paste to match the words to the correct pictures.
Short o Words Cut and Paste
Cut and paste to match the CVC words to the correct pictures.
Synonyms Puzzle (2)
Match the synonyms to complete the puzzle (middle and upper years).
Adverbs Word Search
Find the adverbs in the dinosaur themed word jumble.
Time Prepositions
Use either ‘in’, ‘on’ or ‘at’ to complete each sentence.
Alphabet Worksheet: Letter O
This worksheet focuses on the letter O. Trace, write, find words and draw.
Persuade: Burgers or Pizza? (2)
Plan and write to persuade others whether burgers or pizza is better (middle and upper years).
Commas in Lists: Rewrite (1)
A worksheet to help teach the use of commas in lists. Rewrite each sentence correctly.