Writing Dependent Clauses: Complex Sentences (1)
Create complex sentences by adding a dependent clause to each independent clause.
Reading Strategy Word Search
Find vocabulary related to different reading strategies in the letter jumble.
Short o Word Search
Find the CVC words in the letter jumble.
Final Blends (1) Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on words with a final blend (nt, nd, nk, mp, st).
‘Energy’ Grammar & Comprehension
A level 2 reading passage, comprehension and grammar set.
Blend Focus gl-
This worksheet focuses on the blend ‘gl’. Find, match and make gl- words.
Writing Compound Sentences (2)
Turn simple sentences into compound sentences using conjunctions.
Unusual Plurals & Past Tense Word Search
Find the unusual plurals and past tense words in the jumble.
Highlight Features in a Narrative
Read the narrative and then answer the questions about the structure and language elements used.
wh- Words Word Search
Find the wh- words in the letter jumble.
-ed Picture & Word Match
Write the CVC words under the matching pictures.