
Follow Cardinal & Ordinal Directions, Grid Ref

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An activity that encourages students to follow cardinal and ordinal directions on a grid, using grid references to describe animal movement. Designed for students in year 3 and year 4.

Learning Objectives:

  • Follow a set path using cardinal and ordinal directions.
  • Use grid references to describe and record locations.
  • Develop spatial awareness and directional language skills.

How the Activity Works:

In this activity, students help animals move across a grid by following specific directions and using grid references to record their new locations. For example, Spot travels 3 squares south-west and 2 squares south. After following the path, students will write the grid reference of Spot's final location. Similarly, they follow Dale, who swims 2 squares north and 3 squares north-west, and record his new grid reference. This exercise helps students practise cardinal and ordinal directions, reinforcing both spatial awareness and their ability to use grid references effectively.

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