Indefinite Articles a / an (2)
When to use ‘a’ and when to use ‘an’. This worksheet supports the teaching of the indefinite articles ‘a’ and ‘an’.
Noun, Verbs & Adjectives Sort
Sort the list of words under the headings: ‘nouns’, ‘verbs’, ‘adjectives’.
CVC Word Rhyme Sheet: Short a
The words in each set rhyme. Write them in.
Cause or Effect?
Read the sentences and work out whether the cause or the effect has been underlined.
Activity Booklet i_e Words
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about i_e words.
Narrative Structure Poster Set
A set of posters explaining the narrative elements: ‘introduction’, ‘problem’ and ‘solution’.
-ad Word Family Cut and Paste
Cut and paste to match the CVC words to the correct pictures.
Comparing Set 3
Identify the similarities and differences between different things. A set of three worksheets.
Synonyms Word Search
Draw lines to match the synonyms and then find them all in the jumble.
5 Senses Organiser
This graphic organiser can be used for planning writing or analysing text.
Choosing Conjunctions (1)
Choose a conjunction to complete each sentence.