
What’s Your Name Worth? (to 5c)



Students calculate the value of names using a letter value chart, with prices in increments of 5 cents. Designed for students in the middle and upper years.

Learning Objectives:

  • Assign values to letters and calculate the total cost of a name.
  • Use the letter value chart to work out the value of names, including their own and a friend's.
  • Develop addition skills and basic money-handling concepts.

How the Activity Works:

Students refer to the letter value chart, where each letter is assigned a specific monetary value (e.g., F = $1.15, R = 55c). They calculate the total cost of their name and a friend's name by adding up the values of each letter. Afterward, students can draw coins and notes to represent the total amount. This activity encourages both literacy and numeracy skills, while also introducing simple money calculations.

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