Word Search Builder: 8x8 Grid
A template for learners to create their own word search using their spelling words.
Sizzling Starts Cut & Paste
A sizzling start is an opening to a story that captures the reader’s interest. Match up the sizzling start examples to their names.
Singular Possessive Nouns (2)
This worksheet supports the teaching of singular possessive nouns.
Dependent & Independent Clause Match (1)
Join matching simple clauses.
Digraph Focus wh-
This worksheet focuses on the blend ‘wh’. Find, match and make wh- words.
ch- sh- th- Digraphs Puzzle
This puzzle focuses on similar sounding letters/digraphs. Cut and paste to join the digraphs to the word endings.
Inference Question Set 3
Read each passage. Answer the question. Underline the clues that lead to the answer.
Blend Focus gl-
This worksheet focuses on the blend ‘gl’. Find, match and make gl- words.
Find the Adjectives (Middle)
Identify the adjectives in the sentences.
Main Idea & Details: Homework
Read the passage about homework and work out the main idea.
-an Picture & Word Match
Write the CVC words under the matching pictures.