Identifying Persuasive Language (2)
Read each passage. Work out the persuasive devices being used.
Writing Sizzling Starts
Read about 6 different types of sizzling starts and then write an example of each.
Time Prepositions
Use either ‘in’, ‘on’ or ‘at’ to complete each sentence.
Missing Initial & Final Letters: Short a
The beginning and final letter of CVC words are missing. Use the pictures to help write them in.
sm- Words Word Search
Find the sm- words in the letter jumble.
-ag Word Family Sheet
This worksheet focuses on the -ag word family. Find, write and make CVC words.
Video Games: Fact & Opinion
Read a short passage and identify the facts and the opinions.
Sentence Jumbles: Short u Words
Unjumble the sentences to match the pictures. Set includes -ub, -ug, -um and -un worksheets.
Cut and Paste: ay Words
Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
CVC Word Boxes: Vowel Mix 1
Use letter boxes to help write CVC words.
Say, Write: Short u Words
Say the word, write the pictures. Then Find the words in a letter jumble!