Inference Question Set 4
Read each passage. Answer the question. Underline the clues that lead to the answer.
fl- Activity Booklet
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about fl- words.
Initial Sound Picture Find: Letter M
Find and colour the pictures that start with the letter M.
Hyperbole Poem: 'Worst Day of My Life'
A poem using hyperbole titled ‘Worst Day of My Life’.
Word Wheel: -ain Words
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
Poetic Devices Cut & Paste Match
Match each example to the poetic device that has been used.
Reading Strategy Poster Set
Middle and upper years reading strategy posters: creating images, inferring, summarising, connections, prior knowledge & questioning.
Comma or Full Stop? (2)
Colour the correct bubbles to show whether full stops or commas are needed. A NAPLAN style worksheet.
Word Search Builder: 12x12 Grid
A template for learners to create their own word search using their spelling words.
Capital Letters: Mix (2)
A worksheet to give students practice using capital letters in all contexts: sentence beginnings, proper nouns, the pronoun ‘I’, days, months, holidays, etc.
Self-Questioning Chart
A self-questioning template to support learners developing questions to ask themselves about texts they read.