‘Choosing a Pet’ Grammar & Comprehension
A level 1 reading passage, comprehension and grammar set.
Identifying Personification
This worksheet helps introduce personification. Students must identify the object that is being personified and the human action or trait it has been given.
Building Statements & Questions (1)
Use the sentence parts to build statements and questions.
‘Healthy Teeth’ Comprehension
A level 2 reading passage and comprehension set.
Compare & Contrast Poster
A poster showing compare and contrast signal words.
5 Senses Organiser
This graphic organiser can be used for planning writing or analysing text.
fl- Words Word Search
Find the fl- words in the letter jumble.
Plurals: Adding ‘es’ Word Sort
Sort the words under the focus headings (add s, add es).
-ap Picture & Word Match
Write the CVC words under the matching pictures.
Deserts Editing Passage
Edit a passage about deserts. Use the checklist to help find the missing full stops, capitals, commas, apostrophes and spelling mistakes.
Plural Possessive Nouns (2)
This worksheet supports the teaching of plural possessive nouns.
‘At the Beach’ Poem: Identifying Language Devices
Identify poetic language devices in the poem ‘At the Beach’.