Differentiated Inferring Set: Toby
Read the passage. Make a list of the clues and what can be inferred from the text. The easier sheet supports the learner to find clues and make inferences.
Figurative Language Student Reference Card
A reference card explaining the different figurative language devices: alliteration, metaphors, similes, personification, onomatopoeia.
Reading Task Cards
Use before, during and after reading to help build comprehension skills. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Editing Sentences: Full Punctuation (1)
Edit each sentence for missing full stops, capitals, commas, apostrophes, speech marks and spelling mistakes. Rewrite each sentence correctly.
Complete Simple Sentences (1)
Complete the sentences by adding either a subject or predicate.
Identifying 5 Senses (2)
Read the descriptive passages. Identify the different senses the author has described.
Add Commas in Lists
A worksheet to help teach the use of commas in lists. Add in the missing comma/s in each sentence.
Creating Images: Plane Trip
Read a short passage and build a visual image to match. Draw it!
Plural Possessive Nouns (1)
This worksheet supports the teaching of plural possessive nouns.
Read Cause, Write Effect (2)
Write an ‘effect’ to match each given ‘cause’.
Folding Booklet: Nouns
A folding activity booklet all about nouns. Draw pictures or write to show how nouns can name people, places, animals and things.
Fruit Salad: Write a Procedure
Cut and paste the pictures in the correct order and then write the steps to make a fruit salad.