5 Senses Writing Prompt: Owl
This worksheet scaffolds the reader in producing a descriptive writing passage about an owl.
Word Wheel: -ake Words
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
At the Beach: Fact & Opinion
Read a short passage and identify the facts and the opinions.
Prepositions Match
Use the image to help work out which preposition is needed to complete each sentence.
Working with Contractions
A worksheet all about contractions.
Editing Sentences: Basic Punctuation (1)
Edit each sentence for missing full stops, capitals and spelling mistakes. Rewrite each sentence correctly.
Identifying Rhyme: -an, -um, -ut Words
Colour the rhyming objects the same colour.
Identifying Persuasive Language (2)
Read each passage. Work out the persuasive devices being used.
bl- Cut and Paste
Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
CVC Word Rhyme Sheet: Short i
The words in each set rhyme. Write them in.
Initial Sound Picture Find: Letter L
Find and colour the pictures that start with the letter L.