Personify Abstract Nouns
Personifying abstract nouns can be a great way to build tension in stories.
Page Summary Graphic Organiser
A summarising organiser that guides learners to summarise each page in a text.
-at Reading Booklet
A booklet to trace and read.
Initial Sound Picture Find: Letter X
Find and colour the pictures that start with the letter X.
Fruit Salad: Recipe Writing Differentiated Set
A differentiated set of worksheets to help students write a recipe for making fruit salad.
Main Idea & Details: Homework
Read the passage about homework and work out the main idea.
Deserts Editing Passage
Edit a passage about deserts. Use the checklist to help find the missing full stops, capitals, commas, apostrophes and spelling mistakes.
Show, Don’t Tell Poster
A poster that uses examples to illustrate the idea of writing that ‘shows' rather than 'tells'.
-ed Words Spin Wheel
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
Summarising Text: The Mess
Read a short passage and work out the main idea.
Main Idea & Details: Dogs
Read the passage about dogs and work out the main idea and supporting details.
Superhero Text: Comparing (1)
An early years reading passage about superheroes. Find the similarities and differences between the two superheroes.