Writing Hyperbole
Write a hyperbole to match each adjective and noun.
CVC Word Rhyme Sheet: Short o
The words in each set rhyme. Write them in.
Preposition Drawing
Follow the instructions to complete the picture.
Initial Sound Picture Find: Letter B
Find and colour the pictures that start with the letter B.
Fact & Opinion Sort: Dogs
Is it a fact or is it an opinion? Cut and paste to sort the fact from the opinion.
Narrative Writing Prompts: Set 3
A set of 4 narrative writing prompt cards.
Matching Independent Clauses (2)
Join matching simple sentences. Rewrite each simple sentence pair as a compound sentence using a conjunction.
Alphabet Worksheet: Letter L
This worksheet focuses on the letter L. Trace, write, find words and draw.
Hamburger Persuasive Paragraph Template
A planning template to help plan a persuasive writing paragraph.
Identifying Beginning Sounds 2
All but one picture in each set have the same beginning sound. Find the pictures that doesn’t belong.
Main Idea Concept Map
A concept map to help learners organise their ideas and help determine the main idea of a text.