History & Geo

United States (with States)



This activity provides a blank map of the United States with state borders but no labels. It is designed to help students identify and label the 50 states of the USA.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify and label the 50 states of the United States.
  • Develop map-reading and geographical skills.
  • Enhance knowledge of the states' locations and their regional relationships.

How the Activity Works:

Students are provided with a blank map of the United States, showing only the borders of the states. Their task is to label each state correctly. Additional activities could include:

  • Researching and adding key facts about each state (e.g., capital cities, population, famous landmarks).
  • Colouring each state in a different shade to visually distinguish them.
  • Learning about the geographical features of the USA, such as the Rocky Mountains, the Mississippi River, or the Great Lakes.

This activity helps students practise map-reading skills while building a deeper understanding of the states and geography of the United States.

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