History & Geo

Continent Map: Asia



This activity provides a map of Asia with country borders but no labels. It is designed to help students identify the countries and learn about the geography of Asia.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify and label the countries of Asia.
  • Develop map-reading and geographical skills.
  • Enhance knowledge of Asia's countries and their locations.

How the Activity Works:

Students are given an unlabelled map of Asia, showing only the borders of the countries. Their task is to label each country correctly. Additional activities could include:

  • Researching and adding key facts about each country (e.g., capital cities, languages spoken, cultural landmarks).
  • Colouring each country in a different shade to visually distinguish them.
  • Learning about significant geographical features of Asia, such as the Himalayas, the Gobi Desert, or the Yangtze River.

This activity encourages students to develop their map-reading skills while deepening their understanding of the diverse and vast continent of Asia.

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