History & Geo

First Fleet Reading Cloze



This cloze worksheet focuses on the First Fleet, providing students with a passage that has missing words. They are tasked with filling in the blanks to complete the text, reinforcing their understanding of the historical events surrounding the First Fleet. Designed for middle and upper years students.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand key events related to the First Fleet's journey.
  • Develop vocabulary and comprehension skills by filling in the missing words.
  • Reinforce historical knowledge about the First Fleet's voyage and settlement in Australia.

How the Activity Works:

Students are provided with a passage about the First Fleet with missing words. Using the context of the passage, they must fill in the blanks with the appropriate terms, such as "convicts," "Portsmouth," "Botany Bay," and "1788." The passage will cover details such as the fleet's departure from England, the stops made along the way, the arrival in Australia, and the early days of settlement. This activity helps students engage with the material and solidify their understanding of the historical significance of the First Fleet.

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