How Are You Safe in the Sun?
Draw and write to explain how you are sun safe.
Human Life Cycle: Cut & Paste
Cut and paste the pictures and the names of the stages to complete the life cycle of a human.
Life Stages Cut Outs
Cut outs of 8 life stages.
Labelling Life Stages (8 Stages)
Label each life stage using the correct term.
Vegetables Food Group Information
A display showing an overview of the vegetable food group.
How We Change: Likes & Abilities
How do our like and abilities change as we grow?
Healthy Eating Word Jumble
Unjumble the healthy eating and food group words and then crack the code!
My Body Clues
Our bodies give us clues when we feel unsafe. Cut and paste the clues to the matching places on the body.
Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek & Slide: Explain
Explain how slip, slop, slap, seek and slide can keep people safe in the sun.
Life Stages Posters
Colourful displays of 8 life stages.
‘I am grateful for…’ Flower
Decorate the flower to show things to be grateful for!
Human Life Cycle: Blank
Explain the stages of the life cycle of a human.