Hamburger Persuasive Writing Template
A planning template to help plan and organise ideas for a persuasive text.
Scooter Ad: Fact & Opinion
Read an advertisement for a scooter and identify the facts and the opinions.
Poem: ‘The Red Beast’
A poem titled ‘The Red Beast’.
Short u Word Boxes
Use letter boxes to help write CVC words to match the pictures.
Venn Diagram (3 Sets)
Compare three things with this Venn diagram template.
Add Missing Commas
Add in the missing comma/s in each sentence.
‘Hats On, Hats Off’ Comprehension
A level 1 reading passage and comprehension set.
Writing Independent Clauses: Complex Sentences (2)
Create complex sentences by adding an independent clause to each dependent clause.
Common Long Vowels (1) Worksheet
This spelling worksheet focuses on the common long vowels (ai, ay, e, ea, ee, y).
-og Word Family Sheet
This worksheet focuses on the -og word family. Find, write and make CVC words.
Missing Conjunctions
Choose the correct conjunctions to complete each sentence.