Video Game Review: Fact & Opinion
Read a review of a video game and identify the facts and the opinions.
Prepositional Phrase Match
Use the prepositional phrases given to complete the sentences.
Unusual Plurals & Past Tense Worksheet
This worksheet focuses on the spelling of unusual plurals and words with an unusual past tense.
Homophones Worksheet
This worksheet focuses on the spelling of homophones.
Completing Personification
A scaffolded worksheet to support the creation of personification. Students choose from a list of human actions to complete the given sentences.
Cut and Paste: igh Words
Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
Synonyms Hexagon Puzzle (Harder)
Match the antonyms to complete the puzzle. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Contractions (not, is, had, would) Word Search
Find the ‘not’ ‘is’ ‘had’ and ‘would’ contractions in the jumble.
pl- Activity Booklet
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about pl words.
Write and Draw -ack Words
This worksheet focuses on ‘ack’ words.
Alphabet Letter Booklet: Letter I
Trace the letter, read the words and colour the pictures.