Phone Advert: Persuasive Devices
Analyse the ad for a phone. What persuasive devices have been used?
Cause & Effect Picture Match (2)
Cut and paste the pictures to show cause and effect relationships.
Main Idea: Growing Animals
Read the passage about how animals grow and work out the main idea.
Identify Main Idea: Early
Read a collection of short passages and circle the main idea of each.
Short o Words Cut and Paste
Cut and paste to match the CVC words to the correct pictures.
cl- fl- Words Study
This worksheet focuses on similar sounding letters/blends. Fill in the missing blends.
Sport in School: Analysing a Persuasive Text
Read and analyse a text arguing for more sport in schools.
Cut and Paste: oy Words
Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
Blend Focus pl-
This worksheet focuses on the blend ‘pl’. Find, match and make pl- words.
Fun Fair Poster: Nouns, Verbs & Adjectives Search
Search a fun fair poster for nouns, verbs and adjectives.
Missing Initial & Final Letters: Short o
The beginning and final letter of CVC words are missing. Use the pictures to help write them in.
-um Word Family Sheet
This worksheet focuses on the -um word family. Find, write and make CVC words.