Main Idea: Theme Park (2)
A reading passage for the upper years. Read the text and work out the main idea and the supporting details
gr- Focus Blends Puzzle
Join the blends to the correct word endings.
Explaining Personification (1)
Explain the meaning of the given personification examples.
Alphabet Worksheet: Letter P
This worksheet focuses on the letter P. Trace, write, find words and draw.
CVC Mix Up: Short u Words
CVC words are mixed up. Cut and paste to put them back in order.
th- Cut and Paste
Cut and paste to match the words and the pictures.
‘Mixed Feelings’ Comprehension
A level 6 reading passage and comprehension set.
Past, Present & Future Verbs
Students work with past, present and future tense verbs.
Substituting Sounds 4
Make new words by adding and changing sounds.
Writing Sizzling Starts
Read about 6 different types of sizzling starts and then write an example of each.
Write and Draw -eck Words
This worksheet focuses on ‘eck’ words.