Forming and Using Contractions
Form contractions from each of the word pairs. Use the new contractions to complete a set of sentences.
Sentence Jumbles: Short o Words
Unjumble the sentences to match the pictures. Set includes -og, -op and -ot worksheets.
Statement or Question Sort
Cut and paste to show whether the sentences are statements or questions.
Blend Focus sk-
This worksheet focuses on the blend ‘sk’. Find, match and make sk- words.
Circle the Digraphs c- h- ch-
Circle the digraphs that match the pictures.
Bossy e Words Word Search
Find the ‘bossy e’ words in the jumble.
Narrative Planning Template (4)
A template to help learners plan to write a narrative.
Spelling Cards Set: Long Vowels
A set of 10 spelling task cards. Each card focuses on a different long vowel sound.
Word Wheel: -ail Words
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
Identify Main Idea: Early
Read a collection of short passages and circle the main idea of each.