Inferring, Upper Yrs (4)

This activity focuses on developing students' ability to make inferences while reading. Students will read two passages of text and use clues within the text to answer questions. They will be required to explain the reasoning behind their answers, helping to strengthen their critical thinking and comprehension skills. Designed for upper years students.
Learning Objectives:
- Develop the ability to make inferences based on text.
- Enhance reading comprehension through the identification of clues and implicit information.
- Improve the ability to explain reasoning for answers, using evidence from the text.
How the Activity Works:
Students will read the two passages, paying close attention to details that may not be explicitly stated but can be inferred. After reading, they will answer the accompanying questions, using their knowledge of the text to draw conclusions. For each question, students will be asked to explain the clues or evidence they used from the text to come to their answer. This helps students understand how to read between the lines and interpret information beyond what is written directly.
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