Sentence Jumbles: Short o Words
Unjumble the sentences to match the pictures. Set includes -og, -op and -ot worksheets.
Sentence Jumbles: Short u Words
Unjumble the sentences to match the pictures. Set includes -ub, -ug, -um and -un worksheets.
‘ive’ ‘ish’ ‘ways’ ‘wards’ Suffixes
This spelling worksheet focuses on suffixes ‘ive’ ‘ish’ ‘ways’ ‘wards’.
Varying Sentence Length: Use Short Sentences
Students rewrite passages using short sentences to help express more intense action.
Varying Sentence Length: Use Long Sentences
Short sentences have been overused. Rewrite, using long sentences to help express a slower, more relaxed feeling.
Identify Tension Building Techniques in a Story
Read the text and colour code parts of the text to show where and how the author has built tension.
Five Senses to Build Tension: Race
Write a paragraph to describe a car race.
Five Senses to Build Tension: Skydive
Write a paragraph to describe a person skydiving.
Five Senses to Build Tension: Boat
Write a paragraph to describe a crew on board a small fishing boat during a violent storm.
Tension Building Match Up
Identify different tension building technique examples.
Tension Building Techniques
An overview of 6 tension building techniques.
Tension Building Brainstorm
Brainstorm examples of how you could use each technique in your own writing.