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Picture & Word Search -ip

Match the -ip words to the pictures and find them in the letter jumble.

Picture & Word Search -in

Match the -in words to the pictures and find them in the letter jumble.

Picture & Word Search -ig

Match the -ig words to the pictures and find them in the letter jumble.

Picture & Word Search -id

Match the -id words to the pictures and find them in the letter jumble.

Picture & Word Search: Short e

Match the short e words to the pictures and find them in the letter jumble.

Picture & Word Search -ed

Match the -ed words to the pictures and find them in the letter jumble.

Picture & Word Search -et

Match the -et words to the pictures and find them in the letter jumble.

Picture & Word Search -en

Match the -en words to the pictures and find them in the letter jumble.

Picture & Word Search: Short a

Match the short a words to the pictures and find them in the letter jumble.

Picture & Word Search -at

Match the -at words to the pictures and find them in the letter jumble.

Picture & Word Search -ap

Match the -ap words to the pictures and find them in the letter jumble.

Picture & Word Search -an

Match the -an words to the pictures and find them in the letter jumble.

Picture & Word Search -am

Match the -am words to the pictures and find them in the letter jumble.

Picture & Word Search -ag

Match the -ag words to the pictures and find them in the letter jumble.

Picture & Word Search -ad

Match the -ad words to the pictures and find them in the letter jumble.