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Add Unlike Fractions (Related)

Convert the fractions so they have the same denominator and then add.

Subtract Unlike Fractions (Related)

Convert the fractions so they have the same denominator and then subtract.

Odd & Even Numbers

A worksheet focusing on identifying odd and even numbers.

Even Numbers Focus

A worksheet focusing on identifying even numbers.

Odd Numbers Focus

A worksheet focusing on identifying odd numbers.

CVC Puzzle Tiles: ‘um ‘un’ ‘ut’

Match the tiles with the same rime pattern. Self-check with the centre pictures. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.

CVC Puzzle Tiles: ‘ub ‘ud’ ‘ug’

Match the tiles with the same rime pattern. Self-check with the centre pictures. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.

CVC Puzzle Tiles: ‘og’ ‘op’ ‘ot’

Match the tiles with the same rime pattern. Self-check with the centre pictures. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.

CVC Puzzle Tiles: ‘im’ ‘in’ ‘it’

Match the tiles with the same rime pattern. Self-check with the centre pictures. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.

CVC Puzzle Tiles: ‘id’ ‘ig’ ‘ip’

Match the tiles with the same rime pattern. Self-check with the centre pictures. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.

CVC Puzzle Tiles: ‘ed’ ‘en’ ‘et’

Match the tiles with the same rime pattern. Self-check with the centre pictures. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.

CVC Puzzle Tiles: ‘am’ ‘an’ ‘ap’

Match the tiles with the same rime pattern. Self-check with the centre pictures. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.

CVC Puzzle Tiles: ‘ad’ ‘ag’ ‘at’

Match the tiles with the same rime pattern. Self-check with the centre pictures. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.

Large CVC Puzzle Strips: ‘Short u’

Put jumbled CVC words back together. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.

Large CVC Puzzle Strips: ‘Short o’

Put jumbled CVC words back together. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.