States of Matter Poster Set
A set of posters explaining the characteristics of solids, liquids and gases.
States of Matter Comprehension (Upper)
An upper years reading and comprehension sheet about the states of matter.
States of Matter Comprehension (Middle)
A middle years reading and comprehension sheet about the states of matter.
State of Matter Sort Activity
Sort the cards to match the cards under the headings ‘solid’, ‘liquid’ and ‘gas’.
State of Matter Sort: Colour
Cut and paste to match the objects under the headings ‘solid’, ‘liquid’ and ‘gas’.
Describe Water Animals Set
Describe the appearance, diet, habitat and actions of water animals (whale, turtle, crab, dolphin, shark).
Describe Rainforest Animals Set
Describe the appearance, diet, habitat and actions of rainforest animals (cheetah, frog, monkey, butterfly).
Describe Grassland Animals Set
Describe the appearance, diet, habitat and actions of grassland animals (elephant, lion, rhino, giraffe).
Describe Desert Animals Set
Describe the appearance, diet, habitat and actions of desert animals (camel, scorpion, snake, lizard).
Describe Australian Animals Set
Describe the appearance, diet, habitat and actions of Australian animals (crocodile, dingo, cassowary, kangaroo).
Water Animals Research Flipbook Set
A set of flipbooks to record information about water animals (whale, turtle, crab, shark).
Rainforest Animals Research Flipbook Set
A set of flipbooks to record information about rainforest animal (cheetah, butterfly, frogs, monkeys).
Grassland Animals Research Flipbook Set
A set of flipbooks to record information about grassland animals (elephant, rhino, giraffe, lion).