Weathering Reading Cloze
<p>A cloze worksheet about the process of weathering. Fill in the missing words to complete the text.</p>
Planets of the Solar System Booklet
<p>Fold the booklet and then complete the readings and activities about planets and solar system.</p>
Label Planets of the Solar System (with Support)
<p>Label the diagram of the solar system. The first letter of each is given.</p>
‘Lights in the Sky’ Comprehension
<p>A level 5 reading passage and comprehension set.</p>
Outer Space Activity Sheet
<p>Unjumble the space words, complete the picture and colour in!</p>
Solar System Colouring Page
<p>A picture of the solar system to colour in.</p>
Planet Fact Match Up
<p>Cut and paste to match each planet to three different facts.</p>
Weathering Reading Sheet
<p>A reading sheet all about the process of weathering.</p>