Initial Sound Picture Find: Letter C
Find and colour the pictures that start with the letter C.
‘Thrill Valley’ Persuasive Text
Read the text and identify examples of persuasive techniques that have been used.
Make & Draw Compound Words (2)
Use the given pictures to work out the compound words. Write and then draw.
Simple Persuasive Writing Template
A basic writing template to organise ideas for persuasive writing.
pr- Focus Blends Puzzle
Join the blends to the correct word endings.
Persuasive Devices Poster Set
A poster set explaining 7 different persuasive devices, such as alliteration, emotive language & exaggeration.
Write and Draw -eck Words
This worksheet focuses on ‘eck’ words.
Folding Booklet: Nouns
A folding activity booklet all about nouns. Draw pictures or write to show how nouns can name people, places, animals and things.
Week of Sentences: Set 2
Use the pictures to help write a new sentence each day. This set contains weeks 5 to 8.
Sorting Evaluative Language
Show whether the evaluative words are positive or negative.
Synonyms Hexagon Puzzle (Harder)
Match the antonyms to complete the puzzle. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.