Hardware Store: Calculate 10%
Calculate 10% of the prices and work out the new price of items in a hardware store.
Fractions & Decimals, Tenths (1)
Write and represent fractions and decimals.
What’s the Finish Time? 5-Min Intervals (1)
Start times are given on analogue clocks. Add on the elapsed times to work out the finish times (times to 5-minute intervals).
Multi-Step Problems, 1 & 2-Digit (3)
A set of 1 and 2-digit multi-step word problems.
4-Digit Vertical Subtraction, Borrowing (3)
A set of 4-digit vertical subtraction sums with borrowing.
2-Digit Word Problems: Addition (3)
A set of 2-digit addition word problems.
2-Digit Word Problems: Subtraction (4)
A set of 2-digit subtraction word problems.
Adding & Subtracting Time, 1-Min Intervals
Read the times. Add or subtract the elapsed times and write the new times in analogue and digital (times to 1-minute intervals).
3-Digit Vertical Addition, Regroup (4)
A set of 3-digit vertical addition sums with regrouping.
Rainbow Facts Part Part Whole
Fill in the missing numbers in the part part whole models.
Australian Coin Displays (B&W)
Simple black and white displays of the Australian coins.
Names of 3D Shapes Sort
Cut and paste to match up each 3D shape to its name.