Write Out Fact Families (2)
Use the completed part part whole models to write out the matching fact families.
Robot Number Patterns (2-Step)
Follow and complete number sequences, including 2-step patterns. Includes two worksheets.
Area & Perimeter (Regular Shapes)
Calculate the perimeter and area of regular shapes.
Roll & Subtract Activity
Roll and subtract the smaller number from the larger number. Write the number sentence. Laminate for a longer lasting resource.
Capacity: Labelled 100mL Increments (3)
Read the scale and record the capacity of each container.
Choose Units of Measure, Length (2)
Choose the most appropriate unit to measure the length of each object (middle and upper years).
3D Shapes Alphabet Challenge
List 3D objects that begin with each letter of the alphabet. Which 3D shape does each resemble.
Thermometer Reading (1)
Read the temperatures shown on the thermometers.
120 Board Sheet
A blank board showing the numbers 1-120.
Counting Like Coins (Aust.)
Count the number of each coin in the jumble and work of the totals.
Fact Families: Missing Factor & Product Mix (1)
Work out the missing product factor in each fact family triangle and then write then matching equations.
Convert Fractions to Decimals: Tenths
Convert the fractions to decimals.