6s Counting Pattern Cards
Arrange the set of cards in the order of the 6s counting pattern. Self-checking images included. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Properties of 3D Shapes
Complete the table by naming and listing the features of 3D shapes.
Clear the Board: Chance Game
A board game in which players must use their knowledge of chance and probability. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Multiplying & Dividing by 1-Digit Word Problems (1)
A set of word problems involving multiplying and dividing 1-digit numbers with larger numbers.
Decimal Word Problems: Multiply, Hundredths (1)
Word problems involving the multiplication of decimals.
Australian Coin Displays (B&W)
Simple black and white displays of the Australian coins.
1-Digit Word Problems: Addition (2)
A set of 1-digit addition word problems.
Multiply by Multiples of 10 Race Set
Race to complete the multiplications.
Doubles Poster
A set of 11 colourful posters showing the doubles facts.
Circle Coins to Pay for Items, Aust. (2)
Circle the exact coins to pay for each item.
Giving Directions in Lake City
Use locations on the map to practise giving directions. A set of 4 worksheets.
Elapsed Time Using Timelines, 30-Min Intervals (1)
Start and end times have been given. Use the number lines to work out the elapsed times (times to 30-minute intervals).