CVC Build a Word 1
Spell words to match the pictures by joining up the letters.
‘The Oasis’ Comprehension
A level 4 reading passage and comprehension set.
Blend & Digraph Build a Word 1
Draw lines to match the correct blend to the word endings. Write and draw.
Editing Reference Card
A reference card to support students in the editing process of their writing. CUPS: Capitals, Understanding, Punctuation, Spelling.
Cause & Effect Word Search
Find the cause and effect signal words! A fun way to reinforce the concept of cause and effect.
Writing Facts & Opinions
Write a fact and an opinion to complete each sentence.
Verbs Word Search: Animals
Find the verbs in this animal themed word jumble.
Sentence Writing Prompts Set (2)
Middle years sentence writing prompts. Includes 45 writing cards.
Activity Booklet: Short oo Words
Fold the booklet and complete the activities all about short oo words.
Persuasive Devices Word Search
A fun way to consolidate understanding of the structure of persuasive texts and persuasive devices.
Plan for Persuasive Language
A planning sheet to help students plan to use persuasive devices in their writing.
CVC Words Vowel Focus: Short e/Short u
Trace the first and last letters, then add ‘e’ or ‘u’ to complete the words.